
  • It is a test in which your DNA is compared to the reference models in our database, through which you will find out the percentage of match of your genes with the reference genes representing ancient peoples and old civilizations, as well as compared your DNA with the DNA of historical and ancient figures and detect whether there is a link in between you, to discover if there is a relationship between you.

  • When you read in history about the ancient people in Europe, Asia, Africa, the Americas, or Australia, it may not come to your mind that you are genetically related to them. In fact, it is logical that we are related to them in one way or another. All people on this planet are a dynastic extension of the ancient peoples who lived since ancient periods of history. As a result, these ancient people have contributed to your ethnic composition in one way or another.

  • Over the recent period, the research and excavation works have been active in the archaeological and historical sites, which resulted in the discovery of many human mummies and other antiquities from which experts could extract the DNA. Thus, it is possible to compare such DNA with living people, and to know whether there is kinship between them or not. Some of this DNA belongs to well-known historical figures, and some belongs to the people of ancient civilizations or who lived in the areas of these civilizations during known eras of the ancient history.

  • Through this service, it is possible for you to delve deeper into your historical origins; to know the persons or people you are genetically related to, whether you meet them on the patrilineal or maternal lines and whether on the father's side or the mother's side; to estimate the degree of relationship between you; to know the representation percentage of these samples in your genes; and to estimate the degree of you association with the ancient civilizations.

  • Definitely no, Since the Ethnic Finder test searches for the extent to which your genes match the genes of population groups in the world who live in the present day, as for the ancient DNA test, it searches for genetic matching between your genes and the reference rules that represent archaic nations, peoples and civilizations, and compares your DNA with the DNA of historical and ancient personalities who lived before ancient periods of history.

    In other words, if the ethnic finder test reveals the ethnicities you carry and the proportion of their representation in your genes, then the ancient DNA test looks for your positive civilizations, and if the ethnic finder test looks for your match with contemporary populations, the DNA test The old looks for how well you match the previous populations. This is where it is important to combine these two tests to get a complete picture of your historical origins.

  • The origin is that the contemporary population groups in each region represent the successor and extension of the ancient peoples and civilizations that were based on the same geographical area in the past, However, these ancient groups have received many external influences that have left their mark on their ethnic composition from that time until the present time, which may cause some difference between the genetic makeup between ancients and contemporaries who belong to the same geographical area, and this difference may be total or relative.

    This discrepancy will be discovered by yourself if you take both the tests (ethnic finder) and (ancient DNA).

  • The ancient civilizations stationed at certain geographical locations representing their original residence. Some of them expanded in other locations during their prosperity. From that time to present, due to the human migration and movement throughout history, some groups of those civilizations might have moved to other places not related to the original residence of the civilization and over time they began to spread in such new places and recorded a relative presence in them.

    In view of the above, it is possible that such civilizations have expanded for some contemporary ethnic population groups. While the general rule is that the contemporary peoples are related to their ancestors in the ancient civilizations, the same civilizations may have recorded a genetic presence for other peoples in small percentages as a result of ancient migrations.

  • A list of ancient civilizations or peoples with which your DNA has shown a connection and an estimated percentage of its representation in your genes is shown.

    By clicking on each civilization, you will move to a detailed article about this civilization or peoples.

  • It is different for the antique DNA test than for the ethnic finder test. While the percentage shown against each ethnicity, in the ethnic finder examination, reflects the amount of this ethnicity in your genes, making this percentage accurate and immutable; As for the percentage that comes with each civilization in the ancient DNA test, it does not represent the percentage of this civilization in your genes, but rather the percentage of your compatibility with the reference samples available to us, so it is not a fixed percentage and is subject to change with the growth of our database.

    We at DNA & US aspire to reach definitive reference bases for archaic DNA, and this is what we strive to achieve as this science develops.

  • In this report, you will learn about the most important historical or ancient figures that are genetically related to you.

  • Yes of course, this is true, and you can find out the type of this kinship in this report.

  • You will see the type of kinship between you and the historical or ancient figure, such as an old ancestor, a close old relative, an old relative not close to you, or in the case of an unreliable probabilistic relationship, but the characters with which your DNA does not show a link will not appear to you in this report.

  • Not nessacary. Because your ancient ancestors are not only your father, then his father, then his father's father, or your mother, then your mother's mother, then your grandmother's mother. You may have ancestors that are not in the paternal or maternal line, such as your father's mother and her parents, and if they are higher, or the father of your mother and his parents, and if they are higher, and so on.

    Any historical or ancient figure that shows the genetic link between you as an ancient ancestor will appear to you in this report, even if it is not an ancestor to you on one of the (Y-DNA) or (mtDNA) lines.

    Concluding, this historical figures may be your ancestor in one of your fathers or mothers lines, depending on the case, but this is extremely rare, so, do not think that if the historical figures that appeared close to you as an ancient ancestor and it is a carries the same of your Y-DNA or mtDNA, that it is your ancestor on the line of fathers or mothers, depending on the case.

  • Not necessarily, since what determines whether you are related to any historical or contemporary figure is your participation in a certain part of the DNA tape. If you share this part of the DNA with a historical figure, and the other user shares the same part with the same historical figure, then this user is related to you, But if this user shares the same historical figure with which you are related, but in another part of the DNA, then this user is most likely not genetically related to you, and therefore there is no kinship between you and him.

  • Pictures are chosen according to three considerations:

    First: That this figure has a real picture or drawing, in this case the real picture of the character will be placed.

    Second: The figure does not have a picture or drawing, but the mummy has been restored and then reached its true form, even if it is close to it. In this case, these images will be placed, taking into account intellectual property rights and copyrights.

    Third: That the ancient figure does not have a picture or there is no restoration of it, in this case we are working in DNA & US to study his DNA, and to search for some personal and physical features that can be extracted through his DNA extrapolation, and as for the other features that have not been revealed It is reached by researching the extent of its affinity with ancient or contemporary population groups to develop a general perception of these features, taking into account the civilization with which his DNA showed a link and the historical period during which he lived, which will be reflected on his appearance, clothing and other personal matters Thus, the final visualization of its form is developed, which you will see in its approved personal photo in DNA & US.

    However, sometimes we put roughly symbolic images to refer to this character, such as placing the image of a statue or an artefact that refers in one way or another to this character or to the civilization and culture to which he belongs.

  • 95% of the images of historical or old characters were created by DNA & US and they own all rights and copyright over them.

    As for the rest of these images, they are obtained from third parties, taking into account the fulfillment of the conditions and considerations for choosing them as a representative image of the historical figure in question, as well as taking into account the copyright and intellectual property rights of others.

  • Through this feature, you will be able to view statistics on the rate of expansion of civilizations that are genetically related to you among the contemporary populations by the geographical area, their rate of expansion among the contemporary population and ethnic groups, and the percentage of representation of patrilineal and maternal lineages in them.