
  • It is a test by which you will be able to discover the unique genetic and ethnic combination you have inherited from your ancient ancestors on the patrilineal and maternal lines, and know which contemporary population group you belong to.

  • Each of us inherits his/her genes from his/her parents, who have inherited the same from their parents, and so on to infinity. This means that if you go back to one generation (your immediate parents), you will find that you are a combination of the genes of two persons. If you go back to two generations (your grandfathers and grandmothers), you will find that you are a combination of four people. You will find 8 ancestors in the third generation, 16 in the fourth generation, 32, 64, 128, and 256. If I go back to ten generations, you will find 1024 ancestors, and so on to infinity.

    All these ancestors have undoubtedly bequeathed part of their genes to you, and they may belong to the same population group or likely to be different population groups from different areas. This will certainly reflect on your genetic composition in terms of ethnic diversity and percentage of each ethnicity. You may carry a gene from a sequence of more than 17 generations of ancestors.

    Through this service, you will be able to learn about the Ethnics you inherited from your ancient ancestors and the percentage of each ethnicity you have.

  • Definitely no, since the paternal line examination will only show you your paternal (Y-DNA), and by that we mean the blood line inherited only through the paternal line (your father, then your grandfather, then your grandfather’s father, and so on), as well as for the examination of the maternal line, which will show you your maternal lineage inherited through the maternal line (your mother and then your grandmother) Then your grandmother's mother and so on).

    As for your ethnic composition, all your ancestors contributed to it, whether they were on the line of your fathers or your mothers, or they were on other lines, For example, your father’s mother and her parents, as well as your mother’s father and his parents, and other ancestors of yours who are not in the footsteps of the fathers or mothers, so any ancestor of yours, whether male or female, contributed to your ethnic formation, and this ethnic composition will be transmitted by you to your male and female children, and your ethnic composition that you will discover through the ethnic finder test.

  • Due to the scientific development, it is possible to determine the genetic characteristics of each indigenous population group in any area of the world, which have been inherited by this group from the ancient indigenous population in the same area, and to create genetic models for each population group for comparison with the somatic DNA of any person and estimate the representation percentage of each population group in its DNA.

    By testing more than 2,000 geographical areas, more than 180 indigenous and secondary ethnic groups were identified. At DNS & US, we are keen to set genetic models for the major ethnic groups and identify the secondary ethnic groups under them. This will provide you with more precise and deep testing, which will enable you to get a deeper understanding of the history of your ancestors.

  • You will be able to discover the unique genetic and ethnic combination you have inherited from your ancient ancestors on the patrilineal and maternal lines, and know which contemporary population group you belong to, And the percentage of each ethnicity you have.

    Moreover, this service will allow you to know the locations of each ethnicity you carry in your genes on the world map, and to view lengthy researches on the history of these population groups from the prehistorically ages to the present time, the most prominent events they have witnessed, and the ancient population groups from which they have received influences and genetic effects, and other interesting information which DNS & US seeks to constantly develop in the light of genetic results and development of our database.

  • No, to some extent, you inherit about 50% of your genes from your father, and about 50% of your genes from your mother.

  • With a simple arithmetic, if we assume that you inherit 50% of your genes from your father and the other 50% from your mother, this means that it is possible that you will receive the genetic influences from the ethnic side that have reached you through your ancestors to the extent of 15 to 20 generations, that is, you can be positive for one of the ethnic because of your ancestor who lived before about 500 to 800 years ago.

    However, the matter is actually more complicated than that, if If you have taken the half of your genes from your father and the other half from your mother, this does not mean that they gave you half of their genes equally, as one of your parents may give you a certain side of his genes and withhold the other side, and this It means that the aspect that he granted you will remain for more than the period that we have previously mentioned above, and in return the part that was withheld from you will disappear in a period less than the period that we have previously mentioned above, and this means that the higher the percentage of a particular ethnic you have, this may prove that this ethnic is more firmly established. in your ancestors, and in return, the less represented a particular ethnic is you have, Whenever this indicates that this ethnic is not rooted in your ancestors.

    However, on the whole, the influences that you received from your ancestors reach much longer than we have already mentioned, as some working papers indicate that they remain in some cases for nearly 2000 years.

  • Absolutely not, and you may be surprised by that, even though 50% of your genes for you and your full brothers are taken from your father, your father did not give you the same genes.

    For example, if your father carries the genes of 50% Asian and the other 50% European, this does not mean that you will take half of them, that is, 25% Asian and 25% European, your father may give you from the his Asian genes only 10% and the other 40% you will take from him is from his European genes, and as for your full brother, he got the opposite from you, that is he obtained 40% of your father Asian genes and the remaining 10% was from your father’s European genes.

    If we apply the same example to what you and your full brother will get from your mother, you will find that your overall ethnic composition is somewhat different from that of your brother, even though you are full brothers.

    There is, however, one instance in which your ethnic composition may be the same as ethnic composition of your full brother, and that is when you are twins.

  • You will find a list of the positive ethnicities in your genes and the percentage of its representation in your genes, By clicking on any ethnicity, you will move to a detailed article presenting the history of this population group and the most prominent historical events it has witnessed and undoubtedly left hereditary influence on this group. Thus.

    In addition to the list, there is a interactive map showing the original and main residence of this population group.

  • We consider depth of information an advantage, as we are not satisfied with merely passing through the histories of every population or ethnic group with which your DNA has link you with them.

    Therefore, we have prepared detailed worksheets that show you the history of each ethnicity and each population group that your DNA has linked you with it, from the early days of human history right up to the present, with an explanation of the most important historical events that they experienced, and the most important other peoples, especially the ancient ones that influenced them and who then them left hereditary influences that left there genetic mark on it, to let you can get a deeper understanding about this group and how its gene signature occurred.

  • Although each population group has an original residence it resides in, over time, some members of this population group have recorded a presence in other geographical locations other than their original residence. Moreover, each ethnic population group has recorded diversity in terms of the patrilineal and maternal lineages it carries.

    Finally, although the contemporary population and ethnic groups represent the successor of the ancient population and ethnic groups and ancient civilizations that resided in the same geographical area, no doubt that these contemporary groups have over time received hereditary genetic influences from groups and civilizations other than the original civilization to which they belong.

    Through this feature, you can view the rate of expansion of your positive ethnicities in the world at present. You can also know the rate of expansion of each patrilineal or maternal lineage and the percentage of each ancient civilization in it.

  • at the moment no, But seek to add the feature of genetic match, through which you will be able to know your relatives with whom you share a common ancestor on any patrilineal or maternal line for approximately five generations or more.